Art Gallery of Ontario - Strigãtul si sãrutul lui Brâncusi
Sunday, March 1, 2009 2pm
Irena Moore Gallery (Gallery 250, 2nd Floor)
Art Gallery of Ontario, 317 Dundas Street West
Constantin Brancusi, The First Cry, conceived around 1914, cast 1917, brass, 19.5 x 24.5 x 16.0 cm
Purchased with assistance from the Volunteer Committee Fund, 1981, 81/142
© 2009 Art Gallery of Ontario
Ca sã pierdem vremea cu folos: doar cuvintele sculptate pot spune ceva cu sens despre sculpturã. Cei vechi, de la Platon la Michelangelo, defineau aceastã artã ca pe eliberarea fiintei (om, ou, pasãre sau dumneata) închise în piatrã ori metal de la Facerea lumii. Asa cã vã invitãm la un execitiu de sculpturã verbalã menit sã elibereze sculptura lui Brâncusi din piatra si metalul în care a fost închisã într-un Vest fãrã rest. Cele douã piese de la AGO, „Primul strigãt” si „Sãrutul” (amîndouã create acum aproape un veac), vor constitui punctele de plecare si de sosire ale unei performante verbale menite sã reaseze opera lui Brâncusi în cadrul si cadrele artei românesti moderne.
First Cry, then Kiss (on Brancusi)
with Cãlin-Andrei Mihãilescu
To waste time well one must know that only sculpted words can say something worthwhile about sculpture. The ancients, from Plato to Michelangelo, defined this art as the freeing of the being (man, or egg, or bird, or you) from the stone or metal within which it had been imprisoned since the creation of the world. We invite you to an experiment in verbal sculpture meant to free Brancusi’s sculpture from the rest-less West’s stone and metal in which it has been retained and detained since the beginning of the last century. Brancusi’s two works in the Art Gallery of Ontario, “The First Cry” and “Kiss,” both completed in 1914, will constitute the points of both departure and arrival of a verbal performance intended to resituate this major artist’s work within the context of Romanian modern art.
Ça nous fait crier, puis nous embrasser (sur Brancusi)
avec Cãlin-Andrei Mihãilescu
Pour perdre son temps d’une manière utile, rappelons-nous que seuls les mots sculptés peuvent parler de sculpture d’une manière sensible. Les anciens, de Platon à Michel Ange, pensaient que cet art libérait l’être (l’homme, l’oiseau, l’œuf, vous) de la pierre ou du métal où on l’avait emprisonné dès la Création du monde. Nous vous proposons un exercice de sculpture verbale dont le but sera de libérer la sculpture de Brancusi de la pierre et du métal de l’Ouest où elle a été enfermée au début du siècle passé. « Le premier cri » et « Le baiser», deux sculptures de Brancusi de la collection du Musée des beaux-arts de l’Ontario, constitueront les points de départ et d’arrivée d’une performance verbale conçue pour resituer l’œuvre de ce grand artiste dans le contexte de l’art roumain moderne.
Free with Admission to the Gallery
Free for members
For more information call
416.979.6660 ext 527
cu Cãlin-Andrei Mihãilescu 2/25/2009 |
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