The Lost Gold of Rome: The Hunt for Alaric's Treasure (Hardcover) by Daniel Costa
Daniel Costa este doctor psihiatru in Toronto. Doctorul Costa este citat in tratate de medicina de limba engleza pentru cercetarile sale.
Intr-o buna zi, Doctor Costa a dat peste povestea lui Alaric pe cand vizita cu sotia lui italianca zona orasului Cosenza in Italia de sud.
De formatie cercetator si iubitor de istorie, Doctor Costa a inceput sa colecteze literatura despre Alaric care a fost ingropat in zona orasului Cosenza in 410 AD, intr-un mormant secret cu o comoara enorma.
Doctor Costa a aflat ca Alaric s-a nascut pe teritoriul actual al Romaniei, mai exact intr-o zona necunoscuta situata intre bratul mijlociu si inferior al Deltei Dunarii. In acel moment Doctor Costa si-a dat seama ca o carte despre Alaric ar putea deveni o contributie la concertul cultural european.
Respectabila editura britanica Sutton Publishing a realizat imediat potentialul cartii.
Pe, cea mai prestigioasa piata internationala pentru carti de istorie, cartea a fost si este pe locul 1 in privinta comenzilor facute inainte de publicare in categoria istorie antica. Deasemnea, in categoria istorie europeana si istorie mondiala cartea reuseste sa se apropie de primele locuri, in functie de fluctuatiile comenzilor.
Multi cititori doresc sa afle ce s-a intamplat cu comoara lui Alaric, cum orasul Roma a supravietuit caderii Imperiului Roman permitand in acelas timp papalitatii sa-si inceapa ascensiunea, si care este secretul musulmanilor dezvaluit in carte.
Fara discutie, cartea Doctorului Costa ridica problema mandriei noastre nationale. Fara ajutorul comunitatii romanesti, cartea a reusit sa se apropie de varfurile ierarhiei in batalia cu marile edituri vestice specializate in istorie. Daca membrii comunitatii romanesti ar comanda cartea si ar recomanda-o si altora, pentru o perioada de timp cat mai lung posibila, cartea ar putea ramane definitiv in zonele superioare ale clasamentelor.
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Prezentam mai jos rezumatul preparat de Sutton Publishing:
In AD 410, the Roman world suffered an unprecedented catastrophe. For the first time in 800 years a barbarian army, led by the Visigoth king Alaric, sacked the ancient city of Rome. Alaric carried off Rome's most valuable treasures, but died unexpectedly before he could leave Italy and was buried in a secret tomb laden with part of the plunder; a tomb which has been a temptation for treasure seekers ever since. In "The Lost Gold of Rome", Daniel Costa brings to vivid life the little-known but fascinating story of the deeds, death and mysterious burial of Alaric. Alaric first rebelled against the Romans in 391. Defeated, he and his soldiers were co-opted into the Roman Army and contributed to the victory of Theodosius the Great, a devout Christian, in the battle with the last pagan emperor in the West. Alaric rebelled again in 395 and pillaged Greece. Vanquished repeatedly over the years, he refused to give up and eventually led his people to the very centre of world history. Alaric played a significant role in initiating the dismemberment of the Western Roman Empire, and unintentionally gave papacy their first opportunity to get involved in secular politics. The life of Alaric is overshadowed by fascination with the mysteries associated with his burial, for instance the belief that sacred furnishings from the Temple at Jerusalem, which the Romans captured in AD 70, may be among the riches buried with him. Countless treasure hunters have tried to discover the 'lost gold of Rome', including the Nazi Heinrich Himmler. Gripping and lively, Daniel Costa's book also encompasses the fall of the Roman Empire, the survival of Rome and the rise of papacy, as well as revealing one of the best-kept secrets of Islam.
Observator 2/6/2007 |
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