Exercitii de democratie
„Democratia si libertatile nu sunt castigate pentru totdeauna. Nicio izbanda nu este eterna. Omul isi castiga in fiecare zi dreptul de a avea un <>”, a spus regele Mihai I intr-un mesaj transmis tinerilor la cateva zile dupa tragedia din Colectiv, care a scos din nou Romania in strada. Constienti de faptul ca acestia au nevoie sa invete si cum sa-si castige dreptul de a avea un maine, le-am oferit in acest an programe care sa-i ajute sa inteleaga ce este democratia si cat de mult conteaza ca ei sa participe activ la viata comunitatilor din care fac parte.
Astfel, peste 100 de elevi, profesori, consilieri locali, reprezentanti ai organizatiilor neguvernamentale din 12 orase si factori de decizie de la nivel national au participat, in perioada 24-28 iunie, la seminarul national ”Tinerii cetateni combat excluziunea sociala” pe care l-am organizat la Cluj-Napoca. Pe parcursul intalnirii, tinerii au lucrat la cateva instrumente concrete care sa completeze Strategia Nationala Pentru Tineret 2014-2020.
Tinerii implicati in proiectul „Cetatenie Activa prin Participarea Tinerilor”, derulat in perioada Octombrie 2014–Septembrie 2015, au adus in atentia publica 24 de cauze locale, pentru care au propus si solutii. La finalul proiectului, sapte dintre campanii, legate de protectia mediului, imbunatatirea facilitatilor si infrastructurii din scoli, flexibilizarea traficului urban si educatie alternativa pentru elevi, au fost selectate pentru a fi implementate la nivel national.
Activitatea Centrului Ratiu a fost de altfel remarcata de Casa Regala a Romaniei, care in 5 noiembrie a acordat distinctia Nihil Sine Deo lui Nicolae Ratiu pentru activitatea sa la conducerea Fundatiei Caritabile a Familiei Ratiu; pentru ca prin sustinerea initiativelor societatii civile si a celor de promovare a democratiei duce mai departe memoria marelui om politic Ion Ratiu, tatal sau; pentru sustinerea proiectelor institutiilor si initiativelor culturale romanesti din tara si de peste hotare prin care contribuie activ la conservarea si promovarea patrimoniului arhitectural cultural uman si material al romanilor si pentru sustinerea publica a valorilor si principiilor Casei Regale.
Cel mai recent act de promovare a patrimoniului istoric al romanilor pe care l-a facut familia Ratiu este predarea in custodia Bibliotecii Centrale Universitare Lucian Blaga din Cluj-Napoca, pentru cel putin un an, a Testemantului olograf al eroului national Avram Iancu.
In acelasi spirit al promovarii democratiei, Fundatia Ratiu imputerniceste in fiecare an Centrul Woodrow Wilson din Washington D.C. sa initieze si sa acorde Premiul Ion Ratiu pentru Democratie personalitatilor care, prin eforturile lor, sustin valorile democratice si sprijina circulatia ideilor despre democratie si schimbari democratice. Anul acesta, premiul i-a revenit savantului si activistului politic DR Jamil Hasanli, din Azerbaidjan, care in data de 8 decembrie va fi prezent la Washington D.C. pentru a sustine atelierul Premiul Ion Ratiu pentru Democratie, o prezentare pe tema „Puterea petrolului sau valoarea democratiei: Provocarile politice ale Azerbaidjanului modern".
Incheiem, dragi prieteni, prin a va spune ca noi facem exercitii de democratie in fiecare zi, oprindu-ne pret de o cugetare in fata Zidului Democratiei din curtea Centrului Ratiu, desenat de Dan Perjovschi. Va asteptam sa ne vizitati, cand aveti drum prin Turda!
Exercises in democracy “We do not attain democracy and freedom forever. No triumph is eternal. Each day we are winning our right to have our tomorrow”, said King Michael I in a message sent to our youth following the tragedy from the Colectiv Club, which resulted in new street protests in Romania. As we are aware that young people need to learn how to win their right to own their tomorrow, this year we offered them a set of programs to help them understand democracy and the importance of their active involvement in the life of their communities.
Over 100 students, teachers, local councilors, NGO representatives from 12 cities and national decision makers attended the national seminar “Youth Combating Social Exclusion”, organized between in the 24-28 June interval in Cluj-Napoca. During the meeting, the young participants developed a set of instruments to complement the 2014-2020 Youth National Strategy.
The youth involved in the “Active Citizenship through Youth Participation” project, which unfolded from October 2014 until September 2015, brought 24 local causes to the public attention and also proposed solutions. At the end of the project, seven campaigns were selected for national implementation. These covered the following areas: protection of the environment, improving school facilities and infrastructure, urban traffic streamlining, and alternative education for students.
The activity of the Ratiu Democracy Center has been acknowledged also by the Romanian Royal House, which granted Mr. Nicolae Ratiu the Nihil Sine Deo distinction on 5 November, for his activity as the chairman of the Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation. The award also recognized that by supporting civil society initiatives and by promoting democracy, Mr. Ratiu carries forward the memory of his father Ion Ratiu, and also that the institutions and Romanian cultural initiatives supported in Romania and abroad by Mr. Ratiu have an active role in preserving and promoting Romanians’ human and material cultural and architectural heritage. Mr. Ratiu’s public support of the principles and values of the Royal House were also acknowledged.
The most recent initiative of promoting Romanians’ historic heritage made by the Ratiu family is offering – for at least one year long custody – the original testament of the national hero Avram Iancu to the Cluj-Napoca Central University Library.
In the same spirit of promoting democracy, the Ratiu Foundation empowers the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D.C., to grant the Ion Ratiu Democracy Award to personalities who support democratic values through their efforts and stimulate the free circulation of ideas regarding democracy and of democratic change. The award goes this year to the Azerbaijan political activist and researcher DR Jamil Hasanli. On 8 December, the awardee will feature the Annual Ion Ratiu Democracy Award Workshop with a presentation entitled "The Power of Oil or the Value of Democracy: Political Challenges of Modern Azerbaijan".
Dear friends, you should also know that we are practicing democracy every day also by stopping for a brief meditation in front of the Democracy Wall in the Ratiu compound – a work of art donated by artist Dan Perjovschi. You are most welcome to visit us when passing by Turda!
Mihaela Bidilicã 11/23/2015 |
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