Un act de curaj
Melodia valurilor se sparge in cioburi verzi de sticla pe un tarm mult prea batran ca sa mai astepte ca lucrurile sa se intample. Indurerata in urma pierderilor ce-si tarsaie jalea in ritm fara de numar imi iau inima mult prea tanara ca sa mai astepte si batand cu iutenie ca o pasare salbatica batand incarcata cu dorinte de minuni ce va sa vina, o iau si o pun in causul palmei – fluture Monarh cu aripi – deschise, ferme si gata de zbor. Ii dau drumul in soare.
An Act of Courage
The melody of the waves breaks into shards of green glass on a shore too old to wait anymore for things to happen. Bereaved from losses that beat their rhythm out of count I take my heart, too young to wait anymore and beating fast like a wild bird, beating with expectations of wonders to come, I take my heart and I put it in the nook of my palm – Monarch butterfly with wings open, steady and ready to soar. I let it free in the sun.
By the Lake
Adrift the sunset tonight for a glorious moment it is coaxed then embodied into the countless floor-windows of the buildings by the lake. Its traces leaking their elongated lines of bright gold into the turquoise waters are hemmed in with a thick layer of deep purple-pink.
Two vagabonds in love, we were watching.
Pe lac
Ratacitor in seara aceasta apusul, pentru un moment de glorie e ademenit si apoi intrupat in ferestrele nenumaratelor etaje ale cladirilor de langa lac. Urmele lui ce isi revarsa pe apele turcoaz liniile alungite din aur stralucitor, sunt tivite cu un strat dens de roz-violet profund.
Iar noi, doi vagabonzi indragostiti, priveam.
Marea Umbra
Furisandu-se marea umbra isi lasa urmele in tot ce insoteste pamantul. La sfarsit, prietena buna, ea vine ca doar sa-si adune ceea ce ii apartine.
Big Shadow
Unseen the big shadow leaves his traces in everything that joins the earth. In the end, known friend, he comes to merely collect what is his own.
Apprentice of Love
I am fighting with you with words and all of my strengths, I am fighting with you with my all-seeing-eye to find if your heart is true to find if your love is real and alive – he says, falling into deep thought and musing over things unknown. I am teaching you all of my needs of how to be loved by you in every detail – he offers, still battling on.
I am tired of fighting with you for every ounce of love for every crumble that falls, humiliating me, from your table, she whispers. Still a virgin shore, her ships all floating at sea, she leaves.
Behind her, Regrets back and forth back and forth adrift on the winds of lesser hopes.
© Dora Lovejoy 6/19/2015 |
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