Poeme - Poems
Ciudate chemãri din gâturi uscate Ridicã drapel de flori peste sate, Aripi de aer, columne de vis, Fac satul o scenã de doruri cuprins. Frunti inocente, chipuri de foc, Lumina o tin pe munti la un loc Si-n cuget robust, arc de fiinte, Dau vesniciei hotar de dorinte. Neguri de frunze, din vieti legendare, Stau ca sã cadã din nalt de altare, Pastele vine cu vulturi de-aproape, Lumina încheagã vointe sub pleoape. Lumea ce creste, descreste prin moarte, Graiul de pâine mijeste în carte, Dar ruga de bine, de bine în tarã, Rãmâne în suflet îndemn si povarã. De Paste chemãri din gâturi uscate, Drapel e de aripi si flori peste sate, În suflet biserici rotunde de lemn Credinta aduc în Domnul ca semn. Seninul se-nchide în noi si-n iubire, Pãstrat e-n piatrã si-n naltã simtire, O, tarã, o, Doamne, stejarii ce cresc Aduc omenirii un crez românesc!
ROMANIAN CREED Translated by Violeta Popa
Strange summons from dry necks The flag of flowers rises over villages, Air wings, pillars of dream, A scene of longings – the village.
Innocent foreheads, faces of fire, I keep all the light, in one place, up the mountains In robust contemplation, an arch of beings, I give eternity a boundary of desires.
Shadows of leaves, from legendary lives, Are about to fall from the height of altars, Easter comes with eagles up close, Light coagulate wills under the eyelids.
The world that increases, decreases after that in death, The language of bread flickers in the book, But the good pray, brings goodness in the country, Only the burden and warning remain in the soul.
Easter summons from dry necks, The flag of flowers and wings over villages, Round wooden churches in the soul / Faith in our Lord we bring as a sign.
The clearness closes inside ourselves and inside love, It’s kept in stone and true feeling, O homeland, O Lord, growing oaks Bring to mankind a Romanian creed!
NINGE AIUREA ÎN MARTE Lumina îsi scuturã fulgii, Ninge aiurea în marte – Umbre de aripi se-aud fâlfâind În geana pãdurii, departe. Arbori bãtrâni, inele strãbat, Mai sprinteni ca linistea mortii, În scorbura lor zborurile cad Sãgeatã înfiptã în inima sortii. Ochii din cer privesc prãbusirea Cuprinsului lirei în imnuri profunde, Înteleptii dezgroapã de Paste, Simboluri de sânge si unde. Tu, îmi vorbesti de frunza cea crudã Si ochii împart lumini suprapuse, Fulgii sunt flori de adio în lume, O lume trecutã în gheturi ascunse!
Snowing Like Crazy in March Translated by Violeta Popa
The light is moulting its feathers, Crazy snow in March - I can hear shadows of wings fluttering Far away, under the forest’s eyelash.
Old trees are surpassing over their own rings, Brisker than the silence of death, In their burrows, the flights are falling Arrow stuck in the heart of fate.
Eyes from the sky are observing the collapse Of the wholeness of a lyre in deep hymns, Wise unearth Easter. Symbols of blood and waves.
You are telling me about the raw leaf And the eyes are dealing out overlapping worlds, The snow flakes are farewell flowers in the world, A world inscribed in hidden glaciers!
APRIND LUMÂNÃRI Aprind lumânãri frumos colorate Venite din cer peste sate, Petale de flori purtate cu sârg În palme buchet mi se strâng, Ochi calzi la copii Pastele-aduce De la Domnul Isus de pe Cruce. Aprind lumânãri si iatã mã rog Cu glasul pãtruns de luminã si foc Si-n inima mea simt îngerul meu Ce-aduce din jertfã întregul ecou, Miros de tãmâie si nafurã sfântã, Când sufletu-mi tace, natura cuvântã! I Light Candles Translated by Violeta Popa
I light beautifully colorful candles Came from the sky over villages Flower petals diligently carried Forming bouquets in my palms, Easter brings warm eyes to children From Lord Jesus - up onto his Cross.
I light candles and here I’m praying With my voice speared by light and fire And in my heart I feel my angel Bringing from sacrifice the entire echo, The smell of incense and holy bread, When my soul is silent, nature speaks out!
CREANGA RUPTÃ Creanga ruptã de omidã, Viitoare scorburã, În destinu-i gol atârnã Sânge ce se tulburã. Fruntea-n lacrimã dospeste – Rouã sprintenã, luminã, Dintr-o buzã de albastru, Din albastru vrea sã vinã. Tremurã pe smoalã gândul Cã durerea ei de creangã Ar fi-ajuns în cer reginã Dacã rãmânea întreagã. Cum omida chinuieste Fluture sã fie-n zbor, Creanga ruptã e osânda Ce se-ntâmplã tuturor! Cruce-ar vrea ea sã ajungã În clipa sfântã de Paste, Si-omenirea ar simti Din credintã cum se naste!
Broken Twig Translated by Violeta Popa
Broken twig of a caterpillar, Future hollow, hanging in its empty destiny Fretting Blood.
Forehead in tear leavens - Dew nimble, light, From a blue rim/edge, From blue wants to come out.
The thought is trembling on the pitch That her branchy pain It would get in heaven queen If left whole.
As the caterpillar torments itself To fly as a butterfly Broken branch's condemnation What's happening to everyone!
Cross would want it to become Within the holy Easter second, And thus the world would feel How it is born from pure faith!
ÎN FRUNTE DE CERB Frunte de cerb, cuvânt diamant, Privind depãrtarea prin ochi de bãrbat, Mâna întinsã spre clar feminin Mã-ndeamnã sã intru-n destin. Durere nu am, doar riduri de timp, Urcat-am cu Domnu-n Olimp, El crucea o poartã-n cetate, Eu timpul îl port mergând mai departe. Luminã se face din sângele lui Tâsnind din durerea de cui Si drumu-i pavat cu lacrimi de rouã, În frunte de cerb duc crucea cea nouã. At the Forehead of Deer Translated by Violeta Popa
Forehead of deer, diamond word Gazing through the man’s eyes, Hand outstretched to womanlike clearness Urges me to enter my destiny.
I have no pain left, just wrinkles of time, I have gone along with Our Lord up to Olympus, He bears the cross in the stronghold, I wear the time going forward.
Light is made from his blood Springing from pain of the nails Ahead the road is paved with tears of dew In deer’s forehead the new cross is brought.
ÎN GEANA STELEI S-a nãscut în geana stelei Care-a lãcrimat polen În virtutea si-n credinta Timpului pãsind etern Pentru toti ce mâna-ntinsã O tin cãtre trupu-i sfânt, Izbãvind neghina vietii Grâului de pe pãmânt. Graiul ni se lumineazã, Ne purificã-mpãcarea Care ne duce oriunde Deslusindu-ne cãrarea, Din otrava omenirii S-a-nãltat vânjos spre soare, Învãtându-ne ce-i sensul Vietii noastre trecãtoare… S-a nãscut în geana stelei Si-a plecat spre geana ei, Unde - n cinste si-n mãrire Este zbor de porumbei.
Under the Eyelash of the Star Translated by Violeta Popa
It was born under the eyelash of the star The one that wept pollen The virtue and faith Of the time eternally stepping forward For all those with hands stretched out Toward His holly body, Getting rid of the weed of life Wheat from the earth.
Our language lightens, The reconciliation purifies us Leading us anywhere, Clearing our path, From the poison of humanity Rising wiry to the sun, Teaches us what is the meaning Of our fleeting life.
It was born under the eyelash of the star And it went away to her own eyelash, Where there are flying pigeons Gliding in virtue and glory.
BISERICÃ OGLINDITÃ ÎN APE CU STELE Într-o scorburã de salcie pletoasã Cu ciocul sculpteazã o lebãdã-aleasã, Valuri sub aripi se-ntind ca sã spele Biserica oglinditã în ape cu stele. Timpul sãdit în semn pãmântesc, Pe cruce cu trup omenesc, E-n soarele ce plimbã oglindã pe ape, Lebãda mutã în ciocu-i îl soarbe. Bunici si nepoti trec prin destin, Cu Domnul în suflet, cu crezul sublim, Biserica plinã sã fie de Paste În cruci si credintã si moaste. Într-o scorburã de salcie pletoasã Pare cã sculpteazã o lebãdã-aleasã, Oglinditã e-n apã, gata sã spele, Biserica ei cu usa de stele.
Church Reflected in Waters With Stars Translated by Violeta Popa
In a hollow of a weeping willow A swan like no other is carving with its beak, Waves under wings are stretching to clean it up The church reflected in waters with stars.
The time planted in earthly sign, On the cross with a human body It’s in the sun that walking on water A mute swan sips it.
Grandparents and grandchildren are marching through destiny With God in the soul, with the sublime creed, In Easter time the church is to be filled up With crosses, faith and relics.
In a hollow of a weeping willow Seem to carve one of a kind swan, Is reflected in the water, ready to clean up, Her church with its door of stars.
ROSTUIRE Pe drumul stelelor cel sfânt Vin îngeri, roiuri, pe pãmânt Si prin zãbrele de luminã Urcã chemarea cea divinã. Trec pietrele printre cuvinte, Ogoarele de pâine-s sfinte Si gânduri negre se separã Cum si neghina din secarã. Copiii, trestii nãltãtoare, Rãmân cu ochii cãtre soare Si duc în brate flori de crin Cãtre Hristos, în nou destin. E crucea noastrã, sfânt simbol, Cuvinte dulci ne dau ocol, Ne împlinim cu Domnu-n gând Si-n rostuirea pe pãmânt.
Meaningness Translated by Violeta Popa
On the holy road of stars Angels, swarms of them, are coming to earth And through bars of light Rises the divine call.
Stones pass through words, Fields become holy through bread And dark thoughts are sifted Like weed from rye.
Children, growing reeds, Stay still with eyes towards the sun And bring in their arms lilies To Christ, in new destiny.
It’s our cross, the holy symbol, Sweet words surround us We fulfill ourselves with Our Lord in our thought Meaningness, here, on the earth.
FLOAREA PASTELUI Floare albã-nmiresmatã, Sacru semn Dumnezeiesc, Te admirã lumea toatã, Te admir si te iubesc. Tu în visuri nãltãtoare, Unde dorm privighetori, Te arãti precum o boare Trecãtoare pe sub nori. Merg tinerii la-ntâlnire Si te duc de ziua ta, Floarea Pastelui, iubire, Un’ le bate inima. Din regat Domnul priveste Cum tu cresti sub crucea lui, Asteptându-te, zâmbeste, La-nvierea cea dintâi. Easter Flower Translated by Violeta Popa
White, sweet smelling flower, Sacred Divine sign, The whole world admires you, I admire and love you.
In uplifting dreams, Where nightingales sleep, You seem like a breeze Passing under the clouds.
The young people are going on dates, And they bring you on your own birthday Easter flower, love, Where their hearts beat.
From His kingdom God looks down The same way you grow under his Cross, Waiting for you, He is smiling, At the first resurrection.
MÂNGÂIEREA LEULUI CU CHIP DE DAC Prin fosnetul luminii îngerii din cer Însãmânteazã lutul cu lut aurifer Si din legende sfinte pun flori pe catafalc, Acolo, unde doarme un leu cu chip de dac. Oare ursita lumii doarme pe un munte, Acolo unde-n sânge toamna urcã ciute? Oare pe crini si cripte agheasma e de vinã De-avem si în morminte oceane de luminã? Încearcã în altare, si-n moarte, si-n vedere, Sã strângã scrum de soare pe-o aripã-n cãdere, Doar Domnul cu-a lui Cruce Înlãturã-ndoiala care-n oameni duce
Si-n noapte, si-n ursite, si-n patimã, si-n dor, Si-n dragoste, si-n nasteri, si-n greve, si-n amor, Si-n compromis martiriu în zi de mare veac, Acolo unde doarme un leu cu chip de dac. Cum îl mângâie Sfântul, asteaptã ca sã fie, La-ntoarcerea în viatã o mare poezie, C-aici, o, din origini, chiar Sfântul bun Andrei A pus Credintã-n Cruce si în Hristos temei! Caress of the Lion with a Dacian Face Translated by Violeta Popa
Through the rustle of light angels from heaven Sow the clay with gold precipitate From sacred legends I place flowers on the bier, There, where a lion with a Dacian face sleeps.
I wonder if the fate of the world sleeps on a mountain The place where during autumn it fetches his bloody pray? I wonder if on the lilies and crypts the holy water it’s to blame Since we have in graves oceans of light?
Try inside the altars, and within death, and within sight, To gather ash of Sun on a falling wing, Only the Lord with His Cross Erase all doubt that lies in people
And also within the night, and within fate, and passion, and longing, And within love, and within births, and within strikes, and within love, And in the day of great martyrdom compromise century There, where a lion with a Dacian face sleeps.
Oh, how gently The Saint comforts him, expecting to become A great poetry when returning to life, Because here, from the beginnings of time, even good St. Andrew Put his faith in the Cross and the groundwork in Christ !
Aprilie 2013
Marin Moscu 4/14/2013 |
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