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In Memoriam: Dorin V. Uritescu ( April 30, 1946 - April 15, 2020 )

Dr. Dorin Uritescu passed away on April 15, 2020 after a long battle with lung cancer.
Dorin meant so much to so many of us. One of the finest linguists the world has ever seen, but more importantly, one of the finest people to ever walk the planet, he will be missed greatly by his colleagues, his friends and his family.
The following story, written by his colleagues at York University and Glendon College in Toronto, pays tribute to Dorin as a scholar and a teacher.
Parts of this story were originally featured in YFile, York University’s community newsletter. Dorin’s story is followed immediately by his professional biography, a truly impressive collection of scholarly pieces many of which are expected to appear in the near future in a volume dedicated to his scholarship and published in Romania.
Dorin’s bibliography is then followed by his last publication, the production of which is described in the Editor’s Foreword to this volume of Balkanistica. DLD

* * * * *

Dorin V. Uritescu was born on April 30, 1946, in the Banat, a province in western Romania. His mother, who hailed from the same region, instilled in him his curiosity and the desire to always learn something new. From his father, a native of Transylvania, he inherited tenacity, perseverance and an obsessive determination to do his work to the best of his abilities. Dorin’s interest in the study of language declared itself very early, and linguistics became his life’s passion. Although he regretted not having had more time to finish all the works he had planned on writing, he nevertheless amassed a prodigious amount of scholarly publications, including his five-volume masterwork, the New Romanian Linguistic Atlas: Criºana.
Dorin was also a passionate soccer and tennis player. His great joy later in life was teaching his grandson, Alex, tennis, chess and skiing. He is survived by his wife Gabriela, daughters Ramona and Joanna, son-in-law David and grandson Alex.
Dorin did nothing halfway. His flame burned very brightly and, though it was extinguished too soon, its memory will remain a celebration for those who knew him. Professor Uritescu is remembered by colleagues as a wonderful linguist, a passionate teacher and, for many, a friend. And what a friend he was. He was admired by all those who knew him for his erudition, his sense of ethics and justice, his humility and his thoughtfulness.
Methodical and tireless in his work, Professor Uritescu was a humanist in the truest sense of the term⸺a man of great culture and exceptional depth of thought and feeling, an educator whose brilliance and graciousness were such as to leave a lasting mark on colleagues and students alike. He changed them for the better, as he did universities generally, institutions whose vitality and centrality he always strove to uphold. While he had a special fondness for his Romanian fieldwork in the mountains of Transylvania and Crișana, he also knew how to engage in authentic collaboration with colleagues working within theoretical frameworks different than his own⸺a talent as precious as it is rare.
His contribution to the Glendon community and to York University mirrored his personality: generous, positive and wise. It was made in equal measure of rigor and determination. He was unwavering in his dedication to the Linguistics Programme, where he was coordinator, and the Department of French Studies, where he was Chair. Professor Uritescu also co-founded the Centre for Research on Language and Culture Contact and created the lectureship in Romanian Language and Culture, unique among Canadian universities, for whose creation we are all especially indebted to him.

* * * * *

Professor Uritescu's career began in 1971 at the University of Timișoara si Centru de Cercetari Timisoara al Academiei Romane, where he activeted until 1989, with an interlude between 1982 and 1984, when he was a visiting professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Chicago. Arriving in Toronto in 1991, he taught at Glendon and the Faculty of Arts, before accepting a tenure-track position at Glendon in 2000 and eventually being promoted to the rank of full professor in 2004. He held two doctoral degrees: one from the University of Timișoara, awarded in 1978, and the other from the Sorbonne (Paris III/Sorbonne-Nouvelle), which he obtained in 1994, with the equivalent of summa cum laude.
In 1998, he was awarded a prize from the Romanian Academy in recognition of the first volume of his New Romanian Linguistic Atlas: Crisana. In 2011 he was awarded by Academia Romana with Meritul Academic al Academiei Romane pentru studiul si promovarea limbii romane in contest romanic. In 2011 - 2012, he was also awarded by Glendon College, York University with " Principal's Research Excellence Award. Moreover, Aurel Vlaicu University Arad and Danubius University Galati, Romania, awarded him the title of honorary professor.
His masterwork is undeniably the New Romanian Linguistic Atlas ( with Professor Ionel Stan ): Crișana, with the first four volumes published and the fifth close to completion, a task now entrusted to his collaborators at the University of Cluj-Napoca. One need go no further than Glendon’s library to behold the monument that is the Atlas⸺the result of meticulous field research that he conducted primarily himself for the first 15 years before taking on a supervisory role. Drawn in Chinese ink, each map is a work of art. But the Atlas has also delineated new frontiers in technological innovation in dialectology. With the help of Professor Sheila Embleton and Adjunct Professor Eric S. Wheeler, Professor Uritescu dedicated the last years of his life to digitizing the Atlas in its entirety, proving himself a true pioneer in his field once again.
Not content with the Atlas, which itself would unquestionably have secured his international stature as a scholar, Professor Uritescu authored three books and co-authored two more. His list of printed publications includes more than 60 articles and 26 book chapters, authored and co-authored. He enjoyed such recognition as a linguist that it is an afterthought to mention that he received two Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Standard Research Grants (2003-08 and 2008-12) and two SSHRC Insight Grants (2012-16 and 2019-24).
Professor Uritescu owed his ability to produce such a wealth of scientific work to his deep knowledge of Romanian and French and, more broadly, Romance languages, both from a synchronic and diachronic perspective. He owed it to the breadth and depth of his theoretical knowledge, which was profoundly rooted in the European structuralist tradition and spanned the fields of phonology and morphology, Romance linguistics, historical linguistics, language typology, dialectology and geolinguistic variation. He owed it to his steadfast respect for facts and to his distaste for approximation. Finally, he owed it to the exceptional fecundity of his mind, which was evident to all those who knew him and who worked alongside him over the course of his long, yet too soon interrupted, career.

Selections of the publications of Dorin V. Uritescu



● Sincronie ºi diacronie. Fonetismul unor graiuri din nordul Banatului/Synchrony and Diachrony. The Phonetics of Some Dialects in Northern Banat. Timiºoara: University of Timiºoara Press.


● Noul atlas lingvistic român. Criºana (with I. Stan), Vol. I. Bucureºti: Romanian Academy Press.

● Noul atlas lingvistic român. Criºana. Date despre localitãþi ºi informatori (with I. Stan). Bucureºti: Romanian Academy Press.


● Noul Atlas lingvistic român. Criºana (with I. Stan). Vol. II. Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.


● Sincronie ºi diacronie. Fonetismul unor graiuri din nordul Banatului/Synchrony and Diachrony. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.

● Romanian Online Dialect Atlas (in collaboration with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler) (available online at: [http://pi.library.yorku.ca/dspace/handle/10315/2803]).


● Noul Atlas lingvistic român. Criºana. Coordinator (with I. Stan et al.), Vol. III. Bucureºti: Editura Academiei (available online at: [http://www.inst-puscariu.ro/biblioteca%20digitala%20NALR_Crisana.html]).

● Formel et naturel dans l'évolution phonologique et morphophonologique. Essais de linguistique générale et romane. University (Oxford), Mississippi: Romance Monographs.

Published Lectures


● La phonologie naturelle-cognitive. Repères pour une théorie explicative des changements phonologiques historiques (= Romanian Academy Lecture Series). Bucharest: Romanian Academy Press.

● Digitalized Dialect Studies: North-Western Romanian (with Sheila M. Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler) (= Romanian Academy Lecture Series). Bucharest: Romanian Academy Press.

Book Chapters


● “Subdialectul Criºean,” Tratat de dialectologie româneascã, coord. by V. Rusu. Craiova: Scrisul Românesc, pp. 284-320, maps 78-106.

● “The Dialect of Țara Oaºului,” Tratat de dialectologie româneascã, coord. by V. Rusu. Craiova: Scrisul Românesc, pp. 390-99, maps 171-74.


● Atlas linguarum Europae, vol. I. The Netherlands: Van Gorcum. Premier fascicule: Cartes et commentaires, 1983; deuxième fascicule: Cartes et commentaires.


● Atlas linguistique roman, vol. I. Sous la rédaction de Gaston Tuaillon et al. Roma: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato.


● “Tournesol, odsolneènik/odsolnyx, sunflower, Sonnenblume, girosol, girasole. Cartes de motivations. Commentaire XXXV” (in collaboration with N. Saramandu). Atlas linguarum Europae, vol. I, cinquième fascicule: Commentaires, Alinei, Mario, et al. (eds). Roma: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, pp. 129-39.

● “Tournesol. Carte de motivation” (in collaboration with N. Saramandu). Atlas linguarum Europae, vol. I, cinquième fascicule : Cartes. Alinei, Mario, et al. (eds). Roma: istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato. Carte 50.



● “Note etimologice ºi lexicale,” Limba româna XIX, p. 48-49.


● “Note lexicale ºi etimologice,” Limba românã XX(3), p. 291-94.


● “Observaþii asupra unor fenomene fonetice dialectale româneºti: e > ịe, k', g' > æ ð,” Studii ºi cercetãri lingvistice XXIII(2), pp. 159-65.


● “Originea lui (ĕ) (ã) precedat de consoane cu timbru palatal ºi de ị în limba românã,” Studii ºi cercetãri lingvistice XXIV(4), pp. 449-54.

● “Observatii asupra fenomenului de preiotare în limba româna,” Studii de limbã ºi stil, pp. 197-208.


● “Sur la méthode indirecte d'enquêter pour le ‘Nouvel Atlas Linguistique Roumain par Régions. Criºana’” (with I. Stan), Actes du Colloque Franco-Roumain de Dialectologie, Aix-en-Provence: Publications Université de Provence, pp. 135-42.


● “Cu privire la africatizarea oclusivelor palatale k', g' în graiurile dacoromâne,” Filologie XX(1), pp. 67-71.


● “Originea ºi vechimea formelor pronominale dialectale îm, m- (-m),” Studii ºi cercetãri lingvistice XXXI(2), pp. 207-12.


● “Cu privire la evoluþia lui w intervocalic latinesc popular în limba românã,” Analele Universitãþii din Timiºoara, XIX, pp. 162-70.


● “Asupra repartiþiei dialectale a graiurilor dacoromâne. Graiul din Oaº,” Materiale ºi cercetãri dialectale II. Cluj-Napoca: University of Cluj-Napoca, pp. 231-46.


● “Romanian Morphophonemics and Slavic Borrowings,” Papers for the V. Congress of Southeast European Studies, Shangriladze, K.K., and Erica W. Townsend. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica Publishers, pp. 362-73.


● “Continuitate ºi discontinuitate în evoluþia graiurilor din Criºana,” Caietul cercului de studii (= Proceedings of the University of Timiºoara Research Group in Social Sciences III), pp. 181-90.


● “On Fronting of Unrounded Vowels after Velars in Daco-Romanian” (with Gabriela Uritescu), Caietul cercului de studii (= Proceedings of the University of Timiºoara Research Group in Social Sciences IV(2)), pp. 152-62.

● “Theoretical Problems of Phonological Change and the History of Romanian Phonology,” Revue Roumaine de Linguistique XXXI(3), pp. 227-43.


● “Arbitrary Phonological Conditioning in Morphophonemics. A Romanian Case,” Revue Roumaine de linguistique XXXII(3), pp. 293-98.

● “Continuitate formalã în evoluþia dialectelor limbii române,” Studii ºi cercetãri lingvistice XXXVIII(4), pp. 278-93.


● “Fonologie, morfofonologie ºi structurã morfemicã,” Studii ºi cercetãri lingvistice XL(5), pp. 451-58.

● “O evoluþie morfofonologicã similarã în românã ºi italianã,” Studii ºi cercetãri lingvistice XL(4), pp. 355-64.

● “Une évolution morphophonologique similaire en roumain et en italien,” Bulletin de la Société Roumaine de Linguistique Romane XVI: Études romanes publiées à l'occasion du XIXe Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes (Saint Jacques de Compostelle)⸺4-9 septembre 1989. Bucharest: University of Bucharest, pp. 311-24.

● “Ritmica vorbirii populare,” Caietul cercului de studii (= Proceedings of the University of Timiºoara Research Group in Social Sciences V), pp. 125-58.


● “Sur quelques formes dialectales dans le latin populaire danubien,” Actes du XVIIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes III (Trèves, 1986). Tübingen: Niemeyer, pp. 318-28.


● “Generative Phonology and the Explanation of Phonological Change,” Orbis XXXV, pp. 5-32 (available online at: [http://poj.peeters-leuven.be/content.php?url=journal.php&journal_code=ORB]).


● “Évolution morphophonologique et type morphologique en roumain,” Actes du XXe Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes II. Tübingen and Basel: Francke, pp. 547-60.

● “Sur l'évolution morphophonologique des langues romanes. La diphtongaison de /ε/ et de /ͻ/,” Actas do XIX Congreso Internacional de Lingüística e Filoloxía Románicas V. Coruña: Fundación “Pedro Barrié de la Maza, Conde de Fenosa,” pp. 97-108.

● “Atlas Linguistique Roman (ALIR)⸺Sur l’analyse phonologique et morphophonologique des parlers romans,” Actas do XIX Congresso Internacional de Lingüística e Filoloxía Románicas V. Coruña: Fundación “Pedro Barrié de la Maza, Conde de Fenosa,” pp. 109-14.


● “L'effacement du /l/ en québécois et le type morphologique du français,” Revue de Linguistique Romane 61(242-44), pp. 397-437.

● “Morphologisation et structure (morpho)phonologique: l'alternance o/u en roumain,” Studii ºi cercetãri lingvistice XLVIII(1-4) (= Festschrift für Marius Sala), pp. 471-84.

● “Évolution des voyelles nasales en roumain et en roman: aspects formels et naturels,” Atti del XXI Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza I. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, pp. 345-58.

● “Changement de conditionnement en phonologie: un exemple roumain,” La Linguistique 33(2), pp. 35-44 (available online at: [http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=linguistique]).


● “La syntaxe du roumain à l'épreuve de la théorie générative” (in collaboration with Philippe Bourdin), Romance Philology 54(1), pp. 123-51 (available online at: [http://www.brepolsonline.net/doi/abs/10.1484/J.RPH.2.304369]).

● “Pour une typologie des processus phonologiques historiques des langues romanes: les voyelles atones,” Actes du XXIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes II. Tübingen: Niemeyer, pp. 437-48.

● “Sur le conditionnement ‘formel’ dans l'évolution phonologique du roumain,” Actes du XXIe Colloque International de Linguistique Fonctionnelle. Iaºi: Presses de l’Université Al. I. Cuza, pp. 51-53.


● “Le comportement du schwa dans le français parlé par les élèves des programmes d’immersion française” (in collaboration with R. Mougeon and Y. Handouleh), La linguistique fonctionnelle au tournant du siècle: Actes du vingt-quatrième Colloque international de linguistique fonctionnelle, Tatilon, Claude, and Alain Baudot (eds). Toronto: GREF, pp. 335-46.


● “Romanian Dialect Atlas. An Exploration into the Management of High Volumes of Complex Knowledge in the Social Sciences and Humanities” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 11(3), p. 183-92.

● “L’évolution historique des voyelles nasales en roumain: relations entre processus et réanalyse,” Revue roumaine de linguistique XLIX(4-6), pp. 345-65.

● “Acquisition of the Internal and External Constraints of Variable Schwa Deletion by French Immersion Students” (in collaboration with Raymond Mougeon, Terry Nadasdi and Katherine Rehner), IRAL (International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching) 42, pp. 349-64 (available online at:[http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/recordDetails.jsp?searchtype=basic&accno=EJ745602&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=Dorin+Uritescu&_pageLabel=RecordDetails&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=kw]).


● “Morphologization, Reconditioning, and Morphophonemic Split: The Alternation of Mid and Low Vowels in Romanian” (with Bill J. Darden), Romance Philology 58(2), pp. 239-69 (available online at: [http://www.brepolsonline.net/doi/abs/10.1484/J.RPH.2.304568]).


● “Data Capture and Presentation in the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Papers from Methods XII: 12th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (= Linguistica Atlantica 27-28), pp. 35-39.

● “‘Real,’ Though Not ‘Needed’? On a Phonotactic Constraint as Reflected in NALR-Criºana,” The Bill Question, Aronson, Howard I., Donald L. Dyer, Victor A. Friedman, Daniela S. Hristova and Jerrold M. Sadock (eds). Bloomington, IN: Slavica, pp. 207-14.

● “Les derniers Français de Frenchville” (with Françoise Mougeon), La Linguistique, 42(1), pp.115-28.


● “Romanian Online Dialect Atlas: Data Capture and Presentation” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Exact Methods in the Study of Language and Text, Grzybek, P., and R. Köhler (eds). Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, pp. 87-96.

● “Mais où est le québécois d’antan? Le statut du schwa en québécois populaire et l’évolution du français,” Actes du XXIVe Congrès de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes I, Trotter, David A. (ed.). Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, pp. 577-90 (available online at: [http://www.degruyter.com/view/books/9783110923599/9783110923599.577/9783110923599.577.xml]).

● “Dans la perspective de l’atlas linguistique de Criºana (I). Le participe passé daco-roumain en -ã : mythe roumain ou innovation d’une langue romane?” Limba românã, limbã romanicã, Rîpeanu, Sanda Reinheimer, and Ioana Vintilã-Radulescu (eds). București: Editura Academiei Române, pp. 555-66.

● “Relations entre processus, réanalyse et émergence du non naturel: l’évolution historique des voyelles nasales en roumain,” Dacoromania, pp. 89-100 (available online at: [http://www.dacoromania.inst-puscariu.ro/articole/2006-2007_3.pdf]).

● “Évolution et restriction linguistique dans l’usage du français des habitants de Frenchville, Pennsylvanie” (with Françoise Mougeon), Actes du XXIVe Congrès de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes I, Trotter, David A. (ed.). Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, pp. 515-25 (available online at [http://www.degruyter.com/view/books/9783110923599/9783110923599.515/9783110923599.515.xml]).


● “Defining User Access to the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler),” Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 16, pp. 27-33 (available online at: [http://www.geo-linguistics.org/Journal.html]).

● “Variantele dialectale ale limbii române în perioada 1780-1880. Note de lecturã. Fonetica,” Dacoromania (Cluj-Napoca) XIII, pp. 33-56 (available online at: [http://www.dacoromania.inst-puscariu.ro/]).

● “Pe marginea NALR-Criºana: O (altã) generalizare fãrã suport psihologic în teoria optimalitãþii?” Foneticã ºi Dialectologie XXIV-XXVI [2005-2007], pp. 255-61.


● “Data Management and Linguistic Analysis: MDS Applied to RODA” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Studies in Quantitative Linguistics 5 (= Issues in Quantitative Linguistics), Köhler, Reinhard (ed.). Lüdensheid: RAM-Verlag, pp. 10-16.

● “The Stability of Multidimensional Scaling over Large Data Sets: Evidence from the Digitized Atlas of Finnish,” Du côté des langues romanes. Mélanges en l’honneur de Juhani Härmä (= Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki LXXVII), Havu, Eva, Mervi Helkkula and Ulla Tuomarla (eds), pp. 101-08.

● “Lessons from Digitizing a Linguistic Atlas” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Distorsionãri în comunicarea lingvisticã, literarã ºi etnofolcloricã româneascã ºi contextul European, Botosineanu, Luminița, Elena Dãnilã, Cecilia Holban and Ofelia Ichim (eds). Iaºi: Alfa, pp. 137-45 (available online at: [http://www.academiaromana-is.ro/philippide/pages/distorsionari_2008.html]).


● “Identifying Dialect Regions: Specific Features vs. Overall Measures Using the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas and Multidimensional Scaling” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Proceedings of Methods XIII, Heselwood, Barry, and Clive Upton (eds). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 79-90.

● “How Do I Know That I Am Right? Checking Quantitative Hypotheses” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Text and Language, Grzybek, Peter, Emmerich Kelih and Ján Maèutek (eds).Wien: Praesens Verlag, pp. 49-56.


● “Effective Comparisons of Geographic and Linguistic Distances” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Synergetic Linguistics. Text and Language as Dynamic Systems, Altman, Gabriel, Peter Grzybek, Sven Naumann and Relja Vulanovic (eds). Vienna: Praesens Verlag, pp. 225-32.


● “Le conditionnement morphologique dans le changement phonologique et l’évolution historique du roumain populaire,” Actes del 26é Congrés de Lingüística i Filologia Romàniques VIII, Casanova Herrero, Emili, and Cesáreo Calvo Rigual (eds). Berlin: W. de Gruyter, pp. 813-24.

● “Continuum et fragmentation géolinguistique d’après l’Atlas linguistique de la Criºana en ligne” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Actes del 26é Congrés de Lingüística i Filologia Romàniques VI, Casanova Herrero, Emili, and Cesáreo Calvo Rigual (eds). Berlin: W. de Gruyter, pp. 119-29.

● “Defining Dialect Regions with Interpretations. Advancing the Multidimensional Scaling Approach” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Literary and Linguistic Computing 28(1) (= Special Issue on “Dialectometry”), Nerbonne, John, and William A. Kretzschmar, Jr. (eds), pp. 13-22.


● “Graiul din Țara Oaºului în perspectivã informaticã,” Ion Coteanu: In memoriam, Chivu, Gh., and Oana Uțã Bãrbulescu (eds). București: Editura Universitãții din București, pp. 369-80.

● “Despre consoanele nazale silabice în limba românã,” Romanistika i Balkanistika, Aleksoska-Chkatroska, Mirjana, and Joana Hadži-Leka Hristoska (eds). Skopje: Univerzitet “Sv. Kiril i Metodij,” pp. 705-16.


● “On the Status of an Old Phonotactic Constraint in Northwestern Romanian,” Balkanistica 28(1), pp. 553-65.


● “Play with the Data!” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Issues in Quantitative Linguistics 4, Emmerich, Kelich, Róisin Knight, Ján Maèutek and Andrew Wilson (eds). Lüdenscheid, Germany: RAM-Verlag, pp. 128-34.

● “The Advantages of Quantitative Studies for Dialectology” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Recent Contributions to Quantitative Linguistics, Tuzzi, Arjuna, Martina Benešová and Ján Maèutek (eds). Berlin/Boston: W. de Gruyter, Mouton, pp. 51-61.

● “A Comparison of Three Digital Systems for Dialect Geography” (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Methods in Dialectology XV.


● “An Expanded Quantitative Study of Linguistic vs. Geographic Distance Using Romanian Dialect Data (with Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler), Structure, Function and Process in Texts, Tuzzi, Arjuna, Martina Benešová, Ján Maèutek (eds). Lüdenscheid, Germany: RAM-Verlag, pp. 25-33.

● “Pe marginarea noii versiuni informatizate a Atlasului lingvistic al Criºanei,” Proceedings of the XXth International Conference on Romanian Dialectology, Universitatea “Babes-Bolyai.” Cluj-Napoca, Romania pp. 327-42.


● “Romanian and Slavic in Contact” (with Donald L. Dyer), Balknistica 34, pp. 249-70.


● “Romanian and Slavic in Contact” (with Donald L. Dyer), Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics, Marc L. Greenberg and Lenore Grenoble (eds), Brill.

Reviews and Review Articles


● Review of St. Dumistrãcel, Influenþa limbii literare asupra graiurilor dacoromâne. Fonetica neologismului, Limbã ºi literature III, pp. 430-36.


● Review of Paolo di Giovine, Il gruppo 'ct' latino in albanese, Studii ºi cercetãri lingvistice XXXVII(3), pp. 263-68.


● Review of Actes du XVIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes (Aix-en-Provence, 29 août-3 septembre 1983), vol. 1-9, Studii ºi cercetãri lingvistice XXXVIII(5), pp. 455-65.


● Review of Marius Sala (coord.), Vocabularul reprezentativ al limbilor romanice,” Revue Roumaine de Linguistique XXXIV(3).


● Review of V. Iluþiu, Le roumain sans peine, Kurier der Bochumer Gesellschaft für rumänische Sprache und Literatur 16, pp. 277-78.

● Review of Marius Sala, El problema de las lenguas en contacto, Kurier der Bochumer Gesellschaft für rumänische Sprache und Literatur 16, pp. 278-85.


● Review of D. Ager, Sociolinguistics and Contemporary French, Cambridge, University Press, Revue d'Intégration Européenne XVI(2-3), pp. 254-55.


● Review of Rodney Sampson, Nasal Vowel Evolution in Romance, Oxford: University Press, 1999, pp. XV, 413. Romance Philology 56(1), pp. 181-91 (available online at: [http://brepols.metapress.com/content/8766664q81454m33/?p=7b8c0937d7d3430c991d8a2e5e27e2c7&pi=1]).


● Foreword to Marius Sala, From Latin to Romanian, University of Mississippi, Romance Monographs, 2005, pp. IX-X.

Non-Refereed Articles


● “Sur l'évolution de w intervocalique latin populaire en roumain,” Bulletin de la Société Roumaine de Linguistique Romane.


● “O operã fundamentalã de geografie lingvisticã,” review of Noul atlas lingvistic român pe regiuni. Banat, vol. I, Orizont 31(21), p. 3.


● “The Nature and Functions of Phonotactic Rules,” XIV International Congress of Linguists. Abstracts, Berlin, Germany.


● “Contemporaneitatea lui B.P. Hasdeu în teoria lingvisticã,” Orizont 39(12), p. 3.


● “Forme et substance dans l'évolution phonologique: vers un modèle de la phonologie historique,” XVth International Congress of Linguists. Abstracts, Québec, Canada.


● “Rencontre des romanistes à Palerme: un événement culturel international” (with Françoise Mougeon), L'Express de Toronto 54 (14-20 November), p. 4.


● “Current Studies in Romanian Linguistics” (in collaboration with V. Latiu), Comparative Romance Linguistics Newsletter 48(2), pp. 62-69.


● “Current Studies in Romanian Linguistics” (in collaboration with Carmen Barbu and Valentin Latiu), Comparative Romance Linguistics Newsletter 50 (2001), pp. 49-54.


● “Te astept cu ouzo …”, Marius Sala. Contemporanul lor, contemporanii lui, Bucureºti: Univers Enciclopedic, pp. 274-75.


● “Les thèmes de recherche du Centre de géolinguistique roumaine et romane de l’Université ‘Tibiscus,’ Timiºoara,” Analele Universitãþii “Tibiscus,” Timiºoara.


● “M-a fascinate dintotdeauna limba popular,” in a Festschrift for Marius Sala, Bucureºti: Editura Enciclopedica.

● “Zburãtãcit de amintiri, m-agãþ de ... de-gramaticalizare,” in a Festschrift volume Foarta-n fata, Timiºoara: Brumar.


● Observatorul Român, Toronto, June, pp. 3-4.


● Adevãrul, Romania, September 15, pp. 2-3.


● Migrating Memories. Vol. 2: Oral Histories, Belgrade.


Nota Observatorul ;

Dr. Donald L. Dyer
Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs
Distinguished Professor of Modern Languages
College of Liberal Arts
The University of Mississippi
University, MS 38677

Co-Director of the UM Chinese Language Flagship Program
Co-Director of the UM Arabic Language Flagship Program
Editor of Balkanistica



Festival de la recherche 2021 / Campus Glendon, Université York

april 8 dedicate to Dorin Uritsescu

10 h 00 – 12 h 00

Modératrice – Professeure Sylvie Rosienski-Pellerin

Ramona Uritescu – “Portrait of a Linguist as a young man”

Sheila Embleton and Eric Wheeler – “RODA — the Dialect Atlas Goes Online”

Lãcrãmioara Oprea – “RODA 2 : vision and legacy of Professor D. Uritescu”

Veronica Vlasin and Gabriela Adam – “The New Romanian Linguistic Atlas – Crișana. Achievements and perspectives in developing the atlas experience / Le Nouvel Atlas linguistique roumain – Crișana : réalisations et perspectives pour le développement de l’expérience de l’atlas”


PHILIPPE BOURDIN (ET DORIN URITESCU), avec la participation de MARTIN MAIDEN (Université d’Oxford)
Philippe Bourdin nous parlera du dernier article rédigé avec notre regretté collègue Dorin Uritescu (décédé il y a exactement un an) :
« Sur le comportement insolite d’une flexion roumaine »

Comme celui des autres langues romanes, le système verbal du roumain entendu au sens large distingue entre deux types d’éléments chargés, entre autres, de coder la personne et le nombre : les flexions suffixales et les pronoms clitiques. Les flexions sont inséparables de leur support verbal : pensons par exemple au suffixe -èrent de chantèrent en français. Quant aux clitiques, ils manifestent par rapport à leur hôte verbal une autonomie un peu plus grande, quoique limitée : pensons à je et à la dans Je la vois. On parle de « cliticisation » pour désigner le processus qui a transformé des pronoms anciennement autonomes, notamment en français, en clitiques. Il s’agit au fond d’un processus d’assujettissement qui, selon de nombreux linguistes, relèverait d’un phénomène bien plus général, appelée « grammaticalisation » : les éléments qui appartiennent à la grammaire d’une langue avaient, à un stade antérieur de son histoire, un statut lexical. Or, il se pourrait que dans de nombreuses variétés populaires du roumain il faille parler non pas d’assujettissement, mais au contraire d’émancipation.
Le phénomène se manifeste essentiellement à la 2ème personne du pluriel de l’impératif, par exemple dans les deux traductions de l’impératif Plaignez-vous ! du français. La forme courante en roumain standard est plângeți-vã : -ți est le suffixe flexionnel qui code la 2ème personne du pluriel, vã est le pronom clitique de la 2ème personne du pluriel, qui est donc ici réfléchi. La structure de plângeți-vã est parallèle à celle de plaignez-vous en français, avec le suffixe flexionnel -ez et le clitique réfléchi vous. Fait insolite, on entend, dans de nombreuses régions de la Roumanie, non pas plângeți-vã, mais plânge-vã-ți. Ce qui est insolite, c’est que le -ți se soit libéré de la tutelle étroite que devrait « normalement » exercer sur lui son support verbal. Là est l’émancipation. Mais alors, si assujettissement veut dire grammaticalisation, ne faut-il pas considérer qu’émancipation veut dire dégrammaticalisation ?
La question concerne au premier chef le roumain. Cependant, la soulever et en discuter, c’est apporter une contribution, modeste, aux débats, très animés depuis une vingtaine d’années, que suscite l’idée même que la dégrammaticalisation soit un processus concevable en linguistique historique.
« Sur le comportement insolite d’une flexion roumaine » (Ph. Bourdin et D. Uritescu), article à paraître dans les Actes du 29ème Congrès International de Langue et Philologie Romanes (Copenhague, 1er-6 juillet, 2019)

Sylvie Rosienski-Pellerin
Professeure agrégée, Département d'Études françaises
Associate Professor, Department of French Studies
Directrice, Centre de recherche sur le Contact des langues et des cultures
Director, Centre for Research on Language and Culture Contact
Campus Glendon, Université York

Donald L. Dyer     4/14/2021


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