Nadia’s birthday’s coming here again,
Nadia’s birthday’s coming here again, My duty is the guests to entertain; I thus will host a crazy night, A partygoer’s true delight,
At a fantastic site, For there, Zã Price Is Right. As the birthday gal is turning eighty-six, I will be throwing þuicã in the mix;
And as she likes, there is no sin, Will take a trip to Mandareen, A most amazing site, For there, Zã Price Is Right.
There we’ll enjoy for sure all you can eat, Stuck for two hours firmly on our seat; And in the end will raise the glass With steaming tea brewed from green grass And toast with all our might, For there, Zã Price Is Right.
Nadiuºa, pãr buclat, E astãzi de aniversat Fãcând o vârstã ce n-o zic, Cã sunt gelos, aºa un pic.
Deci, vom chefui din plin La birtul de la Mandarin ‒ Crevete, springrolls ºi orez Ca oriºice pure laine chinez.
Þuica nu ne va lipsi, Cã destupatul l-om plãti; Paharul toþi vom înãlþa, ªi "La Mulþi Ani" îi vom ura.