Cea din urma simfonie
Pentru Daniel
Zvacneste tampla nametita, se zbate-ngandurarea grea din umbra stinsului amurg clipeste palid steaua mea.
Cand va pieri lucirea ei, tu sa nu plangi apusa stea, indurerata-ti lacrima va sangera pe crucea mea.
Te voi veghea din vesnicie si daca-aici aur nu-ti las ramane sufletu-mi faclie sa-ti fie far in negrul ceas.
Voi fi-n soaptele vantului, si-n suspinul pamantului in culorile de toamna si-n rasul copiilor ca sa-ti rada viata toata si s-aud ca-mi spui zambind: Sarut mana mama, doamna !
La Elmhurst Hospital TO THE STAR
To the star that rose up bright So long the distance is, Thousands of years needed its light To reach down our sight.
Maybe it died long time ago On its way from the blue skies But its beacon only now Is shining to our eyes.
The icon of the star that died Slowly climbs the hights of yore : It lived when it was not in sight, We see it today but it’s no more.
Likewise when your yearning Has vanished in the deep night, The sparkle of the lost love Still chases us its sad light.
Mihai Eminescu Dec.1, 1886
Pamela Ionescu / New York
Pamela Ionescu 2/1/2017 |
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