La Niagara
Cad in plete despletite lungi suvoaie argintoase, volburate si-nspumate valuri iuti si furioase care vin trecand prin vaduri si pe-a apelor alei ca un vesnic Panta Rhei.
In navalnic neragaz concerteaza Niagara epopei si elegii de milenii drumetite si-arboreaza un halou aburit si ravasit ca si claia decoafata a nebunei din Chaillot!
Ape vin, ape se duc in eterna preschimbare. Noi venim si tot plecam cate unul disparem dsr in grup vesnici suntem. In cascade viata curge moartea nu o mai ajunge!
In disheveled, rebelled locks down fall vibrating rows, eddying, frothy rapid billows that are coming from afar on the water’s swift alley in an endless Panta Rhei!
With tumultuous voiced pledge epics concertates Niagara from her millenary voyage. With a ruffled foamy steam she uplifts a scattered halo like the stack of hoary hair of the insane from Chaillot!
Waters come and waters go never veering up arear. We are coming and keep quitting, one by one we disappear but in group we’re everlasting. In cascades life overflows, can’t succumb to Death’s clows !
Poem selected by The National Library of Poetry.
Pamela Ionescu 6/28/2016 |
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