Constantin (Costi) Eliat (24 dec 1944 -14 aprilie 2016 )
Adriana, Raluca si familia anunta cu tristete decesul, dupa o scurta suferinta, a celui ce fost tata si sot, Constantin ( Costi ) Eliat .
Cei care doresc sa-si ia ramas bun o pot face la Elgin Mils Funeral Home la 1591 Elgin Mills Rd. Richmond Hil- tell 905/737-4720 Vizitarea: maine sambata 16 aprilie, intre 5-9 p.m. Funeralii : duminica 17 aprilie, la 2.30 p.m.
It is with the depest sadnes that Adriana, Raluca & Family announce the passing of Costi, husband & father, on Thursday April 14 after a short illness.
Friends & colleges, everybody who wants to say the Last Goodbye to Costi are welcome to the Visitation on Saturday, April 16, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Elgin Mills Funeral Home, 1591 Elgin Mills Rd. Richmond Hil- Ont.
The Funeral Service will be held on Sunday, April 17, at 2.30 p.m.
Observator 4/15/2016 |
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