Due process
- I don’t get it! - Get what? - This due process business - What’s so complicated? - Well, it’s implicating innuendos. - Like what? - This process business it’s chameleonic… - Why? - Because on the surface it’s very clear, but then the nuances appear. - Doesn’t this apply to all communication? - Not really… - Like what? - Like when I ask you what time it is and you tell me exactly. - That’s the due process at work. And you believe me? - Sure, I do, after I check it with my pocket or wristwatch! - That’s bad! - I’m telling you, it’s from experience… - Tough! - That’s what I say! It’s not enough one has accents, but also twisted meaning… - Well, wouldn’t due process clarify it, if not solve it? - I’m not sure, because… - Of the innuendos? - Partially, whether it’s within or out of context! - So, what do you plan to do about it? - Probably nothing… Let the others suffer from it as well!
Dialogues – Volume I Editing: Ileana Matac Arco Hollywood, California
©by Ray Arco 1/20/2016 |
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